Your Educational Inspiration! Worth Reading

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Special Education

The universe we live in, is an emblem of versatility, so are the creatures existing within its boundaries. God has created each and every individual unique and different in terms of appearance, characteristics and abilities. The fact being that not all human beings are alike, some are slightly different in terms of abilities which are regarded as disabilities. But I think using the term “differently abled’’ instead of disabled would be more appropriate. For such individuals special institutions with special education are available which play their part in educating such individuals as much as possible.

Special education is designed in a way to ensure that special people are provided with the environment that helps them to get education, learn skills and grow effectively in society.
Under IDEA, fallowing are the categories under which students are considered eligible to get education according to law;
    Special education
  1.  Autism
  2.  Emotional disturbance
  3. Hearing impairments
  4. Deafness
  5. Deaf-Blindness
  6.  Intellectual disability
  7. Specific learning disability
  8. Traumatic brain injury
  9. Orthopedic impairment
  10. Speech or language impairment
  11.  Multiple disabilities
  12. Health impairments
  13.  Visual impairments

Special education is basically helpful in improving or eliminating the problems that cause hindrance in education of disabled people. This education helps to prevent any problem that might become a disability in future. Special education institutions are designed in such a way that they remove the effects of disabilities and teach the skills that allow individuals to function successfully. Improving functioning and learning through aid of devices is also included in this.

Parents have the most effective part in this situation as they must be aware of disabilities of their children. They can either leave their children the way they or can contribute to make them better human beings. They must know and avail the opportunities through which they can provide education or any kind of skill to their children which in turn will be help them to become better individuals and perform in a better way.

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