Your Educational Inspiration! Worth Reading

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Education is not a Business!

Education is not a business

Education is the most pious profession all over the world. For humans of entire world it holds special respect and massive importance because without education our existence is a question mark. But today shamefully education itself has become a question mark. Now a days it is difficult to decide whether education is a profession or a business.

Drawing your kind attention towards The Private Education system!

 Well, we are not going to mention any specific name here because there are a lot many and you all are well aware of that. For such institutes if we look at the relationship of fee they charge versus education they deliver, no surprise it would definitely be a inverse relation. The standard of education has shifted from meaningful and productive learning to easy and massive earning.

Not only institutions but parents are equally responsible for this .For us, the standard of education has been confined to fluent English language.  The core values, the learnings, and the true sense of education are no more meaningful. We have lost our standards somewhere while running after comparisons with other cultures .We feel pride in adopting the foreign culture and shame in owning our tradition. If you are not able to speak Urdu properly that is considered COOL, but you are bad at English pronunciation, oh don’t you even dare! Such institutions charge the desired fee which is not affordable by everyone. Their primary purpose is to earn money while they don’t care for the teachings and values they are passing onto the children. Education seems to be converting into revenue generating business more than a teaching profession.

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