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Sunday, October 14, 2018

Why Technology in education is important?

Technology in education

In the era of continuous growth and development, the world is progressing day by day due to immense advancement in technology. Technology is considered to be one of the most debatable topics when it comes to development in education sector. Infact it would not be wrong to say that technology has now proven to be a desideratum for our new generation. Technology and education are somehow integrated and they tend to evolve and grow together with time. Lucky are those nations who sense the need of this compulsion and spare no effort to luxuriate their lives with this blessing.

With technology today, education has taken a whole new meaning. Combining both terms gives us a modified version of gaining, gathering, utilizing and spreading the knowledge, data, techniques and skills that have revolutionized the world so far. With technology educators have got multiple techniques. Various technologies like multimedia, computers, digital libraries, online profile portals, complaint and suggestion systems and informative websites are the examples of a very few technologies that have provided an outstanding assistance in education system. Hence technology knows no boundaries in revolutionizing the education system.

This is a huge universe, so immense is the knowledge therefore it is impossible for one to gather the whole knowledge .Rather different people with different approach, skill set and scope of knowledge in multiple subjects can educate each other through sharing it .And it is only possible with the help of technology. With growing education all over the world and sharing knowledge ,new and better technology emerges which in return does the same for education.

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